Saturday, July 28, 2012

GET YOUR GREEK ON by Peter Schultz

I just finished writing GET YOUR GREEK ON! about three weeks ago.

After discussing the particulars with my copy editor and graphic designer, we're now ready to move the book into production. 

(And before we start, please allow me offer my apologies for my totally lame video! LOL!) 

GET YOUR GREEK ON! is a short textbook designed to introduce students, travelers, and adventurers to some of the basic principles of modern Greek. Specifically, it’s intended to get you talking to your new Greek colleagues, neighbors, and friends as soon as you arrive in Greece. 

GET YOUR GREEK ON! is also meant to be fun. We all learned our first language when we were kids. That’s a fact worth keeping in mind. In one sense, learning another language asks that you become a little kid again, that you do things little kids do all the time: that you enjoy yourself without fear, that you make mistakes without worry, and that you play. I wrote GET YOUR GREEK ON! to help you learn how to play with your Greek. 

The initial motivation for writing GET YOUR GREEK ON! came from my students at Concordia College - specifically, the Theran Class of 2011, a crew of 15 adventurous lunatics. The basic idea was to provide these guys with a quick-and-dirty introduction to Greek that would allow them to get around, to meet people, and to more fully enjoy their time during their month-long term at Concordia’s Summer School in Santorini. Further inspiration was provided by students participating in the Greek Foreign Study Program offered by the Department of Classics at Dartmouth College, by students in the Program in Greece offered by the Department of Classical Studies at Lake Forest College, and by students living and studying at Arcadia University’s Center for Balkan and Mediterranean Studies in Athens. My time at the American School of Classical Studies and the University of Athens also played a role in helping me figure out which approaches to basic Greek seemed to work, and which did not. In sum, I knew that there was a niche market for this kind of thing, and I wanted GET YOUR GREEK ON! to fill that niche. 

When I ran this project by my pals at the academic presses, everyone was enthusiastic. They saw the market just as I did. The problem? I couldn't get the book made and sold to students for less than $25.00 per printed copy. That's just too much, my friends! I want to put a printed copy of GET YOUR GREEK ON! into the hands of students, travelers, and adventurers for under ten bucks. As it turned out, publishing the book with my own team of pros was the only way to hit that price point. (This also got me thinking about other textbooks, academic projects, and scholarly work that invariably cost students and readers far more than I think is fair, but that's a discussion for another time. Perhaps this is the start of something bigger?)  

So that's my project: I need to raise about two grand for copy editing and producing GET YOUR GREEK ON! Just over $2K will let me get this done. If we raise more than that, we'll use the money to help develop a Greek template for publishing GET YOUR GREEK ON! on Kindle, further reducing the cost of the book for students -- there is, at present, a major problem with non-Latin-based fonts on Kindle; we can fix it with enough support.  

Thanks for reading! And thanks for helping me to help YOU to GET *YOUR* GREEK ON! 

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Ziria Music Festival AGAIN! For the 4rth time
music shall gather us up to Ziria mountain!
Free entrance, free participation...
'cause all amazing things in life are for free!!!

Blues, rock, trance, funky and all kind of music
will blow us to the sky!


And guess what... Ziria-mania stones by Circle and the dot
will be there waiting for you...

Useful links: